The Youth Center of Epirus implemented an international youth exchange project “Active lifestyle towards health and development of EU” from 30th of July until 8th of August of 2013 in Koukli, Greece. A total of 25 participants from Greece, Latvia, Bulgaria, Romania and Lithuania took part in it.
The general objectives of our project were to: make young people of Europe to pay attention to them and their closest people’s health and to increase a positive awareness about different cultures, among young people of Europe.
The specific objectives of our project were to: make Europeans aware of different kind of diseases that can be avoided in very simple ways; make young Europeans to learn about correct nutrition and what they eat; to be more active – by taking part in regular sport activities and to be more active as EU citizens; make them aware of differences and similarities between the cultures of participant’s home countries; to be understanding, tolerate to each other, to use “fair play” not only in sport games, but also in their lives.
To reach objectives of the project, participants during the youth exchange joined common activities related to active lifestyle, health and EU citizenship: group works, presentations, researches, planning and organizing sport games, playing sport games, watching movies, going on educational excursions, preparing an exhibition “Health=Happiness”, presenting the best of their cultures and sharing their experiences, beliefs and motivations regarding the topic of the project.
"The project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author and the Commission is not responsible for any use of the information contained therein."