“Beautiful techniques of art for smiles of children” – this youth exchange project was hosted by Youth Center of Epirus in Koukli – Greece from 7th until 16th of September 2012 the project was created under Youth in Action Programme. These 10 days were unforgettable for 25 people from Greece, Turkey, Spain, Latvia and Poland.
During the exchange project, all participants learned about each other's cultures, exchanged experiences and had some fun.
All 25 people joined one of the three offered art techniques (painting on wood, collage, paper-mache) in order to create pieces of art that now already are at the Child care Center of Ioannina and at the children hospital of Ioannina town. Participants also joined different kind of games and visited some places in Epirus –Greece, such as Ioannina's city center and the Dodoni archeological site.
Here you can read some comments from the participants of the exchange project:
Youth Center of Epirus wants to say a big thank you to Municipality of Pogoni in Epirus of Greece for hosting the exchange and support.
"The project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author and the Commission is not responsible for any use of the information contained therein."