Youth exchange "Crossing Borders"

Youth exchange "Crossing Borders" took place in Galicia, Spain from 15th to 25th of June 2019. 25 young people from Spain, Greece, The Netherlands, Italy and France joined the program which was prepared by the Spanish organisation Xeracion in collaboration with team leaders of each national group. 


The Youth Exchange aimed tackling current topics such as migration, integration, identity and solidarity in a unique and original way. The social issues were discovered through a mental and physical journey of 9 days. During the program, participants exchanged ideas, experiences, skills, best practices, opinions, joined 5 days pilgrimage of English Camino from Ferrol to Santiago (120 km) and prepared artistic exhibition on the topic of the youth exchange. The exhibition reflected participant's experiences and feelings during the pilgrimage through stories, drawings, photography, songs, installations, poetry, etc. 


Participants were people coming from different backgrounds, often with migration stories in their family and during the youth exchange they learned how to tackle prejudices better, to promote solidarity to migrants and how to raise awareness of migrant's issues, how to use storytelling. 




This project was co-funded by European Union, the Erasmus+ Program