Erasmus+ youth project Green Corners

"Green Corners" is an Erasmus+ project KA154 that aims at boosting and enhancing:


-the development of young people's skills and capabilities connected to community building, project management, event planning, and communication.

-the enhancement of participants' sense of belonging and active citizenship.

-the familiarization of young people with topics connected to environmental education and action.

-the implementation of green interventions with a bottom-up and collaborative approach.


The long term project “Green Corners” includes a series of activities that aim at the creation of a safe space for young people to explore the multidimensional impact of climate crisis and their stand on the issue, through active participation and a bottom-up system that previews a set of activities impulsed by youth in the cities of Łódź (Poland) and Ioannina (Greece): local consultations, trainings, sustainable and green interventions in targeted areas of our cities and two transnational meetings are going to build youth actions and policies up, fostering a dialogue and a concrete improvement of youth spaces. The project is coordinated by the EuroFRC organisation based in Lodz, Poland, and the project lasted from November 2023 until June 2024.


Transnational meeting in Ioannina

From 13 to 17 December 2023, the Youth Center of Epirus hosted 8 young people from Poland in Ioannina. During this meeting, in which the group of 8 young people from Sieradz, Poland met the group of 8 young people from Ioannina, non-formal education activities took place, during which we had the opportunity to get to know each other, to talk extensively about the objectives of this project, to exchange ideas about the first "green corners" to be created, to analyse and expand on the "green deal" and to discover the city of Ioannina and its cultural heritage.


The next meeting of the 2 groups will take place in April, in Łódź, Poland. Until then, our teams continue to actively create these small oases within the cities of Sieradz and Ioannina, "green corners" that will be meeting points for young people, with environmentally friendly materials and collaborative practices.

1st Consultation

In the framework of this project, two meetings for the first consultation were held on 13 and 17 January 2024, where more than 30 young people were informed about the project, proposed their ideas and embraced this document. Thanks to their contribution, we established the first place where the first green intervention is being implemented: the rooftop of the Youth Center of Epirus building, located in the very heard of Ioannina city.


Thanks to the active participation and support of the Ioannina community, including local young people and local voluntarism and environmentally active youth organisations and groups, we have taken important steps in the design of this space, defined the values that we want this space to be based on and committed ourselves to carrying out a project that aims to develop the skills and competences related to community building, to strengthen the sense of belonging to society and active citizenship, to familiarize young people with issues related to the environment. 


Main ideas of the space were set, and noted by the direct participants of the project. Including in the main design, were: plant beds and garden furniture, library, bar, green decorative elements to be created handmade. Aspects such as the needed research, upcycling, use of local and green materials, needed support from the organisation, were noted as well. 

1st Training

In the context of this project, on 28 January 2024, the first training took place, during which the 16 young people who decided to get actively involved envisioned and designed the first green intervention on the roof of the Youth Centre of Epirus, defined the materials they will need, defined the measures they need to work safely and received a short first aid training from a doctor of the 1st Ioannina Scouts System.


Thanks to the active participation and support of the community of Ioannina, we have taken important steps in the design of these spaces, defined the values we want these spaces to be based on and committed ourselves to carrying out a project that aims to develop the skills and competencies related to community building, project management, planning and communication, fostering a sense of belonging to society and active citizenship, familiarizing young people with issues related to the environment, and developing the skills and competencies related to community building, project management, planning and communication.

2nd Consultation and 2nd Training

In an outstanding meeting at the Youth Center of Epirus, on 12 April 2024, the second consultation for the Erasmus+ project "Green Corners" brought together young people to share experiences, exchange ideas and shape a greener future for our city. The young people in attendance highlighted the importance of collaboration, climate considerations and creativity in shaping this initiative.  The second green intervention planned will be a youth meeting and learning point with a safe and green environment as the basis. It is an outside area of the Youth Center of Epirus building, located in the city center, becoming accessible for all people on daily basis. Several challenges were noted, including weather conditions, obtaining a permit, needed precautions, and renovation aspects and creation of access to the venue considering the limited budget, time limitation, among others. However, the collective determination of the group remained steadfast in the face of these obstacles.


As we reflected on the insights gained from the second Green Corners consultation, the passion and dedication of our youth are driving forces in shaping a greener, more vibrant future for our city. With continued collaboration, innovation and community support, we are able to overcome challenges and realize the full potential of the Green Corners initiative project. The journey to a greener future starts with each of us and, the second Green Corners consultation showed that our youth are leading the way.


Right after the 2nd consultation, the 2nd training followed, involving the main 8 participants, supporting participants, the local youth scout group of Ioannina, and professional training staff such as youth coach, non-formal educational trainer with basic knowledge of environmental concerns in global, European and local levels, and a first aid trainer. The young people were engaged in exploration of the specific expectations regarding learning outcomes, environmental impact, practical result and broader sustainable impact on our local community. As well, safety measures and logistics were discussed, task separation, timeline, and other aspects of the planned green corner. 

Transnational meeting in Poland

The 8 young people actively involved in this project had the opportunity to travel to Lodz, Poland, from 28 April to 1st of May 2024, and carry out activities with the young people of the Polish team. During this meeting, non-formal education activities were carried out, during which we had the opportunity to get to know each other more, to talk extensively about the objectives of this project, to exchange ideas and experiences about the green interventions implemented so far, to analyse and expand on the "green deal" in our local level, as well as to discover the city of Lodz and its cultural heritage. Finally, we had the opportunity to learn about the importance of Co-Working and how this concept promotes sustainability and entrepreneurship. 

3rd Consultation and training

In the very beginning of June, 3rd consultation and training took place. During the consultation, in the main group of participants were involved mostly young adults from the Ioannina scout group, who contributed deeply on the consideration of environmental needs of the center region of the city, local community members, and long term international guests of the city. The vice mayor of the city - the head of the environmental development department, took part in the consultation process, as well as people of all ages from central neighbourhood were specifically invited as additional participants. The consultation was done in 3 parts on the same day, first being at the Ioannina scouts group venue since their practical involvement, facilities, and support would be crucial for the implementation of the third Green Corner, the second part took in an open area of the central neighbourhood, which was absolutely covenant to the neighbourhood inhabitants, and the final being at the Youth Center of Epirus space. Regarding the neighbourhood inhabitants, the partiicpating youth, and with an acceptance and encouragement also from the vice mayor, it was decided to renovate/ up-bring a "forgotten" and poor condition area which used to serve as a green area in older times. This area would need planting of trees, renovation of old existing garden furniture,  creation of additional garden furniture, new soil and plants, with consideration of youth and child activities that usually take place in the area, and with consideration of comfort of other youth, parents, and elderly people living nearby and wishing to use the space in their daily relaxation time. It was noted that the space should be covenant and safe for all, `sustainable in long term considering the plant needs, weather conditions, risk factors and expected use of the space, the very limited time and necessary preparations. 


During the training, the scouts group and other young people discovered and exploration of the specific expectations regarding learning outcomes, environmental impact, specific and detailed practical result and broader sustainable impact on our local community. As well, safety measures and logistics were discussed, task separation, limited timeline, and other aspects of the planned green corner. That was done with presence of professional training staff such as non-formal educational trainer with basic knowledge of environmental concerns in global, European and local levels, a first aid trainer, and scouts youth leader with extensive experience in environmental matters and youth coaching. 


The Results

The results of the project were of various levels, including personal and professional growth of the participants, improved local community participation, sustainable environmental impact on the local communities of Ioannina and Lodz, and 6 physical venues with environmentally sustainable basis and other values in mind - 3 venues in Ioannina, Greece and 3 venues in Lodz, Poland. 


The reported and informally shared learning results of the participants were various, according to their previous educational, and activism experiences, also regarding their active involvement and the amount of time dedicated to the project. Overall, participants improved their understanding the connection between local environmental needs and opportunities to work on those, with global and European environmental issues, policies and movements, their active engagement in local and transnational activism and citizenship, cooperation, leadership, decision-making, and other related skills and knowledge. 


Regarding the physical venues, in Ioannina city there were created the following venues: a rooftop community garden and event venue, backyard type of venue for youth meetings and events, and a renowned community park area. In Lodz, 3 green venues at public schools were created, for the benefit of all current and future students, teachers, and event attendees. See below the photos of the venue creation process and results. We hope that this will inspire others to created green venues in their communities, as this project has already inspired us and our communities to continue similar initiatives!

The beginning...

The process...

The final results of the new Green Corners!!!




This project was co-funded by European Union, the Erasmus+ Program