Erasmus+ LGBTQ+ themed study visit in Ioannina

The LGBTQ+ study visit was hosted by YC Epirus in Ioannina, from 16th to 21st of November 2024. The project was coordinated by an organisation Eurasia Net (in France), and a collaborator within the project was IRTS education institution from Marseille, France. 


The study visit gave 9 Greek and 13 French residents an opportunity for a bilateral exchange and learning about LGBTQ+ themes concerning social work. The participants were social work students, professionals, volunteers, with some or non experience in addressing LGBTQ+ issues and tailor activities to respond to the LGBTQ+ individuals' needs with a deep understanding of the LGBTQ+ context in their countries. 


Main objectives of this project were to strengthen participants' knowledge of the legal and sociological contexts in France and Greece, which constitute resources or obstacles to supporting LGBT+ young people; to train participants (equip them, strengthen their skills and knowledge) to support other young people with specific gender/ gender identity, and other LGBTQ+ issues, through the exchange of practices and experiences. Ultimately, this project contributes to the prevention of situations of exclusion, precariousness, and marginalization of the young people concerned, with intersectionality in mind. 


Main activities were of non-formal education type, including discussions, research and interactive presentations, visits to social care centers (Ioannina University, KETHEA center of reception of disabled people, and Be Aware and Share community center for asylum seekers). Participants engaged in exchange for best practices of social work, and experienced various tools of non-formal education specifically for discovering and addressing LGBTQ+ subjects. Everyone joined research presentations of comparison of the LGBTQ+ rights history and current situation (within legal and social contexts) in France and Greece.


The outcomes of the project are notable, with a very high satisfaction reported from the participants, with valuable learning outcomes for each participant, eventually influencing their professional path in the social field. Each of the organisations increased their capacity of international cooperation on such specific educational projects, and increased their capacity on the subject. 

The project was supported and co-funded by the Erasmus+ program of the European Union.